The future of
digital archiving

An app to encrypt & archive files on a storage provider of your choice.


An external hard drive, without the external hard drive. Store your files directly on the storage provider of your choice. End-to-end encryption and peace of mind are included.

It's time for improvement

We present a simple new way to archive and manage your files online.

It's like the Finder for the cloud. Just drag your files in to quickly free space on your computer and keep them safe. Then browse and drag them back out whenever you need them again.


Shuttle Drive.

Think of it as a supercharged S3 bucket. Optimized for built-in encryption, background transfers and instant previews.

Encryption by default.

Proven encryption standards protect your data from being analyzed or processed by any third party. Even after your files have been deleted.

Shuttle gives access to professional pay-as-you-go services. For instance, safely storing 200GB will likely cost you less than a cup of coffee a month. No 1TB plan required.


USD ($) per year


200 GB

Monthly Downloads

40 GB

It’s cheap.

Your Shuttle Drive can grow virtually infinitely. You won’t ever need to upgrade space and only pay for what you use.

Shuttle gives access to professional pay-as-you-go services. For instance, safely storing 200GB will likely cost you less than a cup of coffee a month. No 1TB plan required.